My Family

Here's my wonderfully perfect, happy family
Don't you just love that...

Here's my family, we fight, the kids drive me nuts, my husband thinks I speak Chinese, the boys follow suit, I really have days where I say "calgon take me away" and I know now how true that commercial was...
But we love each other to death and we laugh A LOT, yell too, my kids would say I yell more than they'd prefer, but I'm from Philly, we just talk loud (hehehe).  We are a combined family, my husband has Haley and Justin, I have Jackson, we have Jackson full time and Haley and Justin 65% of the time...we are busy and at times chaotic but I really wouldn't have it any other way. 
You know the saying, "God never gives you more than you can handle", well sometimes I don't think that God and I speak the same language, but I truly do trust that and just have to breath deep and know we all love each other and our family continues to learn, grow and become all in all, better people.

So here's the kids...

Haley's an 11 yr old girl who is 'coming into her own' of being a young lady.  She's the typical 1st born, 1st born girl as well.  She follows rules and directions but gives them more than she wants to follow.  Obviously she knows more than her brothers, how could she not (smile) but she's truly a sweetheart.  I am so blessed to have her in my life, she has a pure spirit and she is full of love.

Justin is 9 and for sure knows that he's better than any star athlete out there and if you question that, he'll show why he thinks that.  Justin is my patience tester and again, I'm so incredibly grateful for the opportunity presented to me (although trust me, it doesn't feel like that sometimes).  Justin is the one who thinks quicker than he speaks and then we all just laugh because he forgets what he was saying.

Jackson is 7 and is the one that changed my life...of course, I created this creature in my body, right!!  I never truly knew what forgiveness was before I had a child and I am thankful every day that I have the opportunity to grow as a nurturing, patient, loving spirit, because trust me, those are not the characteristics I was born with!!!  He's so incredibly smart, I am so blessed with that.  I studied special education, psychology and clinical social work and I truly understand how blessed I am to have a child that is so smart, there's never a day that I take that for granted.

So, my husband.  We were married 11/11/11...because after all, I believe in all of my higher beings, angels and spirits and what better way to honor them than with a date that cannot be topped!
My husband loves me unconditionally, something I'm still learning.  My husband supports me with no question, something I'm still learning.  My husband can make light of any situation, something I'm still learning.  I guess in a jist, not only is he an incredibly handsome man, he's one that I chose to make me better.  I hope he feels the same :)

There we are, a whole pile of chaos, football, soccer, orchestra, school, work, volunteering, learning, growing, loving, irritating....all of these things, all wrapped into one package of five that will stand together as a team

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